
您所在的位置:网站首页 英语talk show 台词 《流浪地球2》所有台词&院线英文字幕合集(全文背诵)part01


2024-06-26 20:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




()里的是影片中的画外音、角色的回忆,以及除了550W以外的机器说的话  ;【】里的是本人补充的内容 ; __用来表示本人不知道该怎么称呼的角色







刘培强:师父,真的有太阳危机吗? 张鹏:会瞎。得有吧,这都打成这样了,反正就是一百年吞地球,三百年灭太阳系,最多也就这样了。还能咋的?慢点慢点。上月亮这事儿你准备好了吗?你这一上去,可一呆就是十几二十年呀。 










 (请注意,飞行器ATC10171进入防空内环D2区域,请确认。敌我识别通过,解除警戒。) (太阳,急速老化,持续膨胀。一百年后,太阳将膨胀到吞没整个地球。三百年后,太阳系将不复存在。为应对百年后的太阳危机,联合政府宣告成立。数十种危机应对计划被提出。为确保更多人活下来,移山计划被最终选定。规划建造万台行星发动机,驱使地球离开太阳系。同时建造三台卫星发动机,放逐月球,保障地球摆脱月球引力,顺利启程。为验证移山计划的可行性,三十三国于利伯维尔和月球坎帕努斯环形山成立联合实验基地。然而,随着计划的开展,其实施难度和高昂成本对全球各方利益影响加剧,质疑,反对,冲突,日渐升级。)(利伯维尔市郊再次发生武装暴乱,联合政府派遣维和部队平息事件。) 


战地记者:他们的装备越来越先进,一定有国家级的武器在背后。 (原本危机的应对计划成为了危机本身,移山计划的可行性验证迫在眉睫。) (坐标第一大街,这里遭受了爆炸物袭击。重复,我们被袭击了,坐标联合政府大道。我们有三名警员受伤,请求增援。坐标联合政府大楼,我们遭受了爆炸物袭击,请求增援。)(联合政府被袭击了,你在费城那边也小心。) 








 __:确定袭击者的人数了吗? __:我不管,派人过去。


 【奔跑时肘部不小心撞到——的后背了】郝晓晞:对不起。 (目前已经逮捕了一百二十七人,分别来自于五十三个国家。)
















刘培强:火! 刘培强:【将墨镜往下拨仔细地看胸牌的名字】韩朵朵。 


张鹏:地球美好不? (所有武装人员,你们已经被包围了,立即放下手中的武器,缴械投降。)






















 __:Hey,beautiful.How you doing? 


韩朵朵:I’m fine.Thank you. 


__:And you? 










 __:【转头看向韩朵朵】You know,beautiful,if you are afraid,you can always hold my hand.【转头看向刘培强】You too. 








【】里的是纠正后的单词  ; ()里的是影片中的画外音、角色的回忆,以及除了550W以外的机器说的话分别对应的英文字幕 ;  _用来表示本人不知道该如何用英文称呼的角色

A:Humans are essentially a bunch of electrical signals.Your perception of this world, your memory, is all getting into here, right through this wire.Yes, right here.Screw it!I’m not escaping.I don’t care any freaking problems 100 years from now.This is not my problem!This is the technology keeping human civilization alive.I’m building a new world!Why is it forbidden?Why?Your body is fragile.It gets hurt.It gets sick.It gets old.It dies.It gets freaking depressed.But, the digital you can live forever, theoretically.


(At first, nobody cared about the disaster.It was just another wildfire, another drought, the extinction of a species, and the disappearance of a city.Until one day, it became relevant to everyone.) 


Zhang Peng:You know, back then, in this place, you didn’t even need guns.You missed the good old days.This street was not like this.It was...The night market rocked.It was known as the “Little Northeast” of Africa.Barbeque stalls everywhere.It’s fine.Patrols.The mosquito pie.About this thick.500,000 mosquitos in one pie.Delicious.Can’t even have mosquitos anymore.We’re here.This is where they are.Bro, Sis, I brought Peiqiang to see you.Your kid has made you proud.He passed the examination for China Reserve Astronauts, and they’re sending him to the Moon.He’s doing training here.Rest assured.I’ll take care of him.


 Liu Peiqiang:Chief, is there really a Solar Crisis? 


Zhang Peng:You are going to be blind.There must be one.Otherwise, what’s all this fighting for?Anyway, the Earth will be engulfed in a century and the Solar System will be gone in three.End of story.What else can we do?Gently.Do you think you’re ready for the Moon?You’ll spend more than ten years up there, maybe twenty. 


Liu Peiqiang:Great.Then our family will be reunited up there.In any case, Earth isn’t that great.


 Zhang Peng:Being alive is pretty great.Silly kid.Just remember to hang in there.Steady!Steady!See that?That’s the first test engine of The Moving Mountain Project.It will be completed in less than six months. 


Liu Peiqiang:Six months?Can it be done? 


Zhang Peng:You know what?We can even build these engines on the Moon.No humans needed, all built by machines.Non-stop, fast.As long as no one tries to sabotage the construction, six months should be enough.


(Attention.ATC10171 is entering AA inner circle Mark D2.Please confirm.IFF check pass.Stand down.)(The Sun is rapidly degenerating, and expanding.In 100 years, the Sun will completely engulf Earth.In 300 years, the Solar System will no longer exist.To cope with the Solar Crisis that will arise in 100 years, the general assembly has decided that the UEG is hereby established.Dozens of plans for dealing with the Crisis were proposed.To ensure the survival of more people, the Moving Mountain Project was eventually selected.The Project aims to construct 10,000 Earth Engines, to propel Earth away from the Solar System.Three Lunar Satellite Engines will also be constructed to exile the Moon, enabling Earth to break away from the Moon’s gravity to start its journey.To verify the feasiblity【feasibility】of the Moving Mountain Project, 33 countries co-founded the joint experiment bases in Libreville and on the Moon’s Campanus Crater.However, as the project progressed, the difficulty and high cost of its implementation have intensified the impact on the interests of all parties around the world.Doubts, opposition, and conflicts, escalate day by day.Another armed not broke out in the suburb of Libreville.UEG has sent peacekeeping forces to quell it. ) 


_:Their equipment is getting more advanced.There must be state-level armed forces behind it...(The solution to the Crisis has become a Crisis itself.The feasibility verification of the Moving Mountain Project is now a matter of utmost urgency.)  (This is First Avenue.We have been attacked.I repeat .We have been attacked.This is UEG Avenue.We have three officers injured.Calling for backup.Location:UEG Building.There’s been an explosion.Requesting for backup.)  


_:The Headquarter was attacked.Be careful in Philadelphia. 


Hao Xiaoxi:Okay.Just a minute.


 _:I think the Digital Life supporters did this.They should never have banned the Digital Life Project. 


Hao Xiaoxi:Sorry. 


 _:Do we know the number of attackers?  _:I don’t give a damn!Just send someone. 


Hao Xiaoxi:Sorry.

 (I don’t give a damn!from 53 countries.) 


_:As of now, there are 17 reports of damage on the UEG HQ building;the United Nations Avenue has 13;First Avenue has 21;5 on East 43rd Street;74 on East 44th Street.  


Mike:I’ll cut to the chase.This attack on the UEG is an indication that people have lost interest in the project.We advise postponement of the Moving Mountain Project. 


Zhou Zhezhi:Mike, I don’t think that’s a good idea.The hour before dawn is the darkest.We advise pushing the project forward, withstanding all distractions and disruptions.Complete the verification as soon as possible.Don’t forget, we only have a 13-month window.The Sun won’t wait. 


Zhang Peng:Qiang.I’m telling you, it’s a dangerous out there.Try your best to get in.Don’t fall in love.Don’t get married.Don’t have children.


 Liu Peiqiang:Don’t worry.I’m going to roam the space on behalf of mankind.


_:1428 young pilots from 33 different countries have now successfully entered the base in Gabon building up the talent pool for the Moving Mountain Project.A large crowd of protesters are gathered outside the base, protesting against the continuation of the Moving Mountain Project. 


 _:Get out of my way!


Liu Peiqiang:Fire! 


_:I’m burning this place down! 


Liu Peiqiang:Han Duoduo. 


Zhang Peng:Is Earth a great place or what?


(All armed personnel, you have been surrounded.Drop your weapons at once and surrender.) 


Liu Peiqiang:This thing moves! 


Zhang Peng:It moves when you do.Have you had breakfast? 


Liu Peiqiang:Huh? 


Zhang Peng:You might throw up.


 Liu Peiqiang:Huh? 


Zhang Peng:If you throw up, you’re out. 


Liu Peiqiang:Huh?  


_:This is your first training in the air.Try not to let your vomit block your windpipes.If you throw up, you can piss off.I’m not performing CPR on anyone.  


Han Duoduo:Hello, I’m Han Duoduo.Low Earth Orbit Healthcare major. 


Liu Peiqiang:Hello.I’m Liu Peiqiang.  


_:Hey, beautiful.How you doing?  


Han Duoduo:I’m fine.Thank you. 


_:And you?  


Liu Peiqiang:I’m annoyed.  


_:As the Space Elevator goes up......you will be under 9 Gs of gravity force.Earth won’t go easy on you just because you’re cadets.Check your anti-G suits, or your parents will end up in tears.



Eric Bush:Prepare to launch Space Elevator.All staff for final check.


(Ready to inflate anti-G suits.)  


_:You know, beautiful, if you are afaid【afraid】, you can always hold my hand. 


(Checking respiratory system.) 


_:You too. 


 Liu Peiqiang:You three.


(Launch countdown.Pedestrian bridge withdrawn.Cargo gate closing.5 4 3 2 1 Launch.)  


_:Breathe.Mind the frequency.Scream your lungs out, kids.You will pass out in ten seconds.The 90,000 kilometer Space Elevator, the tallest architecture in human history, this is where your journey to the Moon begins.It is now your job to guard the future of mankind. 




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